Dick Move
Party-punk agitators Dick Move formed in the depths of Karangahape Road’s Whammy Bar in 2019 and have since become an essential voice for all those that are fired up to make change in the world. Wet is the band's second studio release and contains 13 confronting and empowering tracks, taking aim at society’s most pernicious elements, from landlords and social media fuckos, to the harsh realities of neo-liberalism and capitalistic competition. Throw in a couple of party tunes and love songs paired with catchy riffs and riotous hooks to complete the full-noise collection of shared experiences in the modern age
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• Nola iritsi Dabadabara
Dabadaba Donostiako Egia auzoan dago, Tabakalera ondoan. Kanpotik bazatoz, autobus geltoki nagusietatik eta RENFE-tik 5 minutura gaude.
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Kontrakoa adierazi ezean,
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Cómo llegar a Dabadaba
Dabadaba Donostiako Egia auzoan dago, Tabakalera ondoan. Kanpotik bazatoz, autobus geltoki nagusietatik eta RENFE-tik 5 minutura gaude.
Sobre las entradas
Salvo que indiquemos lo contrario, abrimos la taquilla una hora antes del inicio del concierto. En caso de sold out anticipado no reservamos entradas para taquilla. No hace falta que traigas tu entrada impresa, con el móvil es suficiente.
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Guajira Sicodelica S.L., Alex López Allendeaz., 2024.eko mar.ren 20a 19:25